
There are many occasions throughout the course of the year, where we require volunteers to assist us at Trinity. All volunteers to NSW schools must provide the school with their current Working with Children Check and sign in each time they are volunteering. You can apply for a (free for volunteers) WWCC card at:

In-class – Some classes use parent helpers on a regular basis – for extra assistance and support in classroom programs, small group work, cleaning, classroom support (laminating, cutting, sorting etc).

Reinforced Reading – A regular Reinforced Reading Program is an important part of the teaching and learning at Trinity and would not be possible without volunteers. Training is available to any member of the community who would like to support readers in the development of fluency and accuracy.

Sport – There are many occasions where we require volunteers in the form of managers and coaches for our sporting teams. Having volunteers fulfil these roles enables us to provide our students with additional opportunities to represent our school. Volunteers are required for all our Sports carnivals (swimming, athletics and cross country).

Community Events – Our community events such as the Musical, Easter Hat making and parading, Year 6 Graduation, Festival of Literacy and Numeracy, Community Christmas Carols  are all supported by our volunteer network.

Community Council – Trinity’s Community Council is made up of nominated parents and carers who wish to make a regular contribution to the running of our school.  Amongst other tasks, they are active and visible at school events, coordinating and running fundraising, and assisting Trinity staff as needed.